Congrats to Coral Cameron and Kinzie Shumway, MLHMS students of the month! 

The 7th grade Student of the Month is Coral Cameron!  

Coral is a dedicated and hardworking student who consistently maintains high grades. She is always eager to learn new things and takes pride in her work. She actively participates in class discussions, asks insightful questions, and seeks out additional challenges to further her understanding. She gets excited about showing her younger siblings some of the fun programs we use in class. Coral is known for her kindness towards her classmates and is always willing to lend a helping hand. She even feels sorry for bugs when people step on them!

Coral loves art and wants to be an artist someday! She also loves writing stories and reading fantasy books. Coral loves all the colors but if she could pick one, it would be orange. She loves going on cool and crazy adventures with her dad, and she loves the ocean and surfing. Her advice to others is, “Always be kind to yourself and your peers, even when they’re not kind to you.” Congratulations, Coral!

The 8th grade Student of the Month is Kinzie Shumway!  

Kinzie demonstrates a level of maturity and integrity that makes her stand out among her peers.  She is a committed student who works hard to stay organized and produces top-quality work in her classes. She is accurate in what she does and very thorough about doing everything asked of her. 

Kinzie is looked up to by her fellow students and she leads by example, calmly and steadily attending to her responsibilities. Kinzie does not draw attention to herself but goes about doing her work with precision and dedication. The sports she likes are volleyball, softball, and dance.  Kinzie also likes to read and be outside. She has two dogs and her favorite color is red. Kinzie loves to travel and her favorite place is Europe. Her advice to her fellow classmates is, “If things get bad, just remember that they could always be worse.” Congratulations, Kinzie!