Contribute to the Sun

For over 10 years, the Moab Sun News has remained a source of free and independent community journalism in Grand County and beyond. If this work has made your life more livable today or in the past decade, please consider contributing to us. It makes all the difference.

What does my donation pay for?

Like most newspapers that serve a small community, we run on a tight budget. Your contribution will directly support the reporters, photographers, and creators who make the Moab Sun News shine. We’ll take care of the rest.

For example, a $50 contribution could help fund a photographer heading out to take photos of a youth soccer game. A $200 contribution could fund a reporter working on a long-form article about local government. A $2,000 contribution could help us expand our platforms and create a podcast focusing on local news and interviews.

Every contribution helps our community build resilience, strengthens local civic engagement and helps Moab see our community reflected: every story, every edition.

We know that credible, community-based, public-service journalism is important to you. Join us!


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