Letter to the Editor: Rocky Road still rocky

In the April 15-22, 2021 issue of the Moab Sun News, the photo and blurb about “Rocky Road gets blacktop” is a bit misleading. While I think it’s great that KZMU and Emery Telecom have nice new driveways, what about the rest of Rocky Road? After months of digging it up to install new water lines (yea!) the road is still a mess (waah!).

Rocky Road and Kalina Heights (the road parallel to Rocky Road) now has become a nice family-friendly neighborhood. Can’t figure out why we have to have Emery trucks using the street when Emery could easily connect to the main highway like the rest of the businesses off of 191. They are noisy, kick up dust, hurt whatever pavement there is and sometimes they go over the speed limit. I am not sorry to be sounding whiny. I pay taxes too and would like to know where’s my blacktop???

Janet Landon
