GCMS Students of the Month

Grand County Middle School’s Students of the Month are seventh-grader Hailey Dowd and eighth-grader Isaac O’Harra.

Hailey is the daughter of Joe and Heather Dowd.

Her teachers say that Hailey stands out from the crowd because of her kindness and maturity.

“She comes to class every day with a smile on her face, ready to answer any questions I have for her,” one teacher said. “It’s impossible not to smile when I see Hailey because she exudes positivity everywhere she goes. She’s inclusive and willing to help others. It’s obvious that she is an older sibling because of her ease and ability to take others under her wing and mentor them without making anyone feel belittled or lesser. Hailey lights up every room she’s in and deserves to be recognized as Student of the Month.”

Hailey spent more than half of her life in Logan before she moved to Moab.

She loves fashion, dancing and shopping, and loves to be organized.

She is the oldest of four kids. Her favorite place to visit is California.

Hailey’s advice to others is, “Stay organized and be kind to teachers and other peers.”

Isaac is the son of Gordon and Rebekah O’Harra.

His teachers say that since he came to GCMS last fall, Isaac has consistently maintained high standards and has shown great effort.

“Isaac is self-motivated and when something needs doing, he sticks with it and completes the whole task,” they said. “He is conscientious about his responsibilities. His teachers appreciate that he is actively engaged in class. With his peers, Isaac is friendly, supportive and helpful. Isaac does not let his accomplishments go to his head and shows admirable humility.”

Isaac says of himself, “I have eight people in my family, and I watch my little sister.”

Isaac enjoys football. He has traveled around the U.S. in an RV. He wants to be a marine biologist and he plans on getting a patent.

Isaac’s advice to others is, “Study even when you think you know the test.”