Sky Ranch airport is already impacting residents

Now that Canyonlands Field airport is closed down for a few months while its runway is being upgraded, UPS and others are using the newly renovated Sky Ranch airstrip in Spanish Valley. Although the UPS daily flights using the Sky Ranch runway are supposedly only temporary, the impacts of these flights are very noticeable. The UPS planes are turning at the end of Spanish Valley next to my land and home. I’ve also experienced dangerously low flying planes directly over my home/land being extremely disrespectful and flying recklessly. This has led to my very real concern and apprehension about the exponentially more impacts that we’ll be bombarded with if plans for Sky Ranch airport and development are approved. What’s going to happen with 20, 40, 100 private pilots flying to and from Sky Ranch airport at all hours of the day and night? I get sick imagining loud aircraft engines constantly roaring over my home and the homes of hundreds of residents in Spanish Valley. My property value will certainly decrease, as will my sheer joy of living in such a beautiful peaceful area.

The Sky Ranch airport is not a good neighbor idea.