Eat a healthy snack, take a 20-minute fitness class, get your blood pressure checked and enjoy a massage. Those are a variety of the healthy options at the Grand Center on Saturday, Feb. 1 during the tenth annual Community Health Fair, hosted by Moab Regional Hospital.
“The health fair offers members of the community an opportunity to meet healthcare professionals in a relaxed, fun atmosphere and leave with information regarding services available locally,” said Jen Sadoff, the community relations director for Moab Regional Hospital.
Individual departments from the hospital provide the backbone of the fair through booths and other displays. Some are informational; others are interactive.
Hospital professionals will be available at several booths to discuss diet changes, take blood pressure, and provide information about prevention of injuries and illness.
One of the services available through the health fair is the $60 blood screening.
“Ordinarily the blood screening is nearly $400,” Sadoff said.
Moab Regional Hospital’s laboratory has been taking blood draws throughout January. Blood screens have been available by appointment only from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m.
“Those who took advantage of this offer can retrieve their results at the health fair,” Sadoff said.
The test results will only be given to the individual who had the screening blood test.
Test includes CMP, lipid, TSH, CBC and A1C, and will show your results next to the normal range.
However, more than hospital personnel will be providing services and information.
“The diversity of the Moab health care community is apparent at the health fair,” Sadoff said.
Naturopathic remedies, massage therapy, and information on whole foods will be provided by several of local practitioners. There will also be information on acupressure, reflexology and a host of other health and wellness options.
“Many alternative medicine practitioners offer services in Moab and will be available to answer questions and help you understand naturopathic medicine and healing body therapies,” Sadoff said. “Thanks to our local massage therapists, there are always free massages available throughout the fair.”
One can also obtain information about health services — both private and government programs—that are available in our community.
The Veterans Administration will again host a booth and answer questions for veterans and their families. Care of the elderly, Active Re-entry, home health care and respiratory services are all readily available in the area and representatives of these interests will be at the fair this year.
In order to add a measure of fun to the activities, many booths will have free items relating to their services, and vendors serving the hospital provide a wide variety of prizes for drawings that are held throughout the fair.
“Come early, stay long and have fun at this year’s community health fair,” Sadoff said.
Tenth annual Community Health Fair to showcase variety of local options
When: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 1
Where: Grand Center, 182 N. 500 West
“The diversity of the Moab health care community is apparent at the health fair.”