The third Moab Art Walk of the season will be 6 to 9 p.m., Saturday, June 8. Downtown merchants, the Moab Arts and Recreation Center and Museum of Moab will feature a variety of fine art and crafts made by local and visiting artists. Refreshments will also be available. Most exhibits will be displayed throughout the month for those who miss the Saturday night walk.
Moab Arts and Recreation Center
111 E. 100 North
The MARC is hosting the Senior Show, featuring artists who are 55 years old or older, including Harold Moore and Ruth Ann Robbins.
Moonflower Market
39 E. 100 North
Drawn to desert and mountain landscapes, Julia Buckwalter uses oil paint, watercolor, and India ink she paints en plein air and from photographs. Buckwalter draws inspiration from her travels and personal experience, and paints to express her love of red rock, open skies, clouds, and all the Southwestern landscape has to offer.
The Edge Gallery
137 N. Main St.
The Edge Gallery features fine art landscape photography by Bret Edge. Each photograph is presented on canvas wrap, or archival plaque mount in an open, contemporary gallery space.
Savage Spirit!
87 N. Main St.
Visiting jewelry artist, Kenny Slade, creates jewelry which combines sterling silver with stones, beads and cabochons. All of his work begins with a vision. Each piece is unique, although the theme may run through a series of creations. All pieces are hand finished; Slade believes that distinguishes hand made art from mass produced.
Back of Beyond Books
83. N. Main St.
Howie Garber lived in Moab as an Emergency Room doctor for years and has photographed the Wasatch for 25 years and received national and international awards for his images. The photographs of wildlife, alpine scenery, and the human element share the diversity and splendor of a unique place.
Framed Image Fine Art and Framing
59 E. Center St.
Logan Hansen employs novel photography techniques to highlight the dynamic interplay of stone, sky, and life in the Canyonlands region, seeking to synthesize fleeting moments and a seemingly timeless landscape.
Overlook Gallery
83 E. Center St.
The gallery now houses the working studios of two local landscape painters, James McKew and Tim J. Morse. Come rain or shine, wind or no-see-ums, McKew and Morse have braved the elements to create new plein air paintings and some larger studio pieces for the June ArtWalk display at The Overlook Gallery.
Museum of Moab
118 E. Center St.
An avid photographer, Terby Barnes aimed her camera and the flora of the Southwest. Barne’s collection of wildflowers show the delicate life of the plateau from the alpine La Sal Mountains to desert.
Over the Edge
88 E. Center St.
Photographer, Scott Rogers work with local adventurers to collaborate with the precarious balance between the dimensions of time and nature. The Fisher Towers Recreation Area, Northeast of Moab, offers unlimited potential to those with unlimited ambition.