A bike for every kid: Wish For Wheels works with Moab businesses to provide bicycles to local youth
120 local students will get a free bike after local businesses team up with nonprofit
120 local students will get a free bike after local businesses team up with nonprofit
Bikepacking is an incredible way to explore new terrain – riders can pack their bikes with camping gear, set off on two wheels, and traverse worlds that are accessible to a rare few….
Four locals start group to promote inclusive cycling
The Moab Mountain Bike Association is getting revitalized by Anna Sprout, a longtime Moab resident and mountain bike rider.
Moab has long been a biking destination: for tourists, for mountain bikers wanting to move to a biking community, for bikejoring racers, for the locals who love biking—it’s home to world-class routes, including…
According to the Moab City website, the Mill Creek Parkway is described as…”a quiet recreational path and trail system designed for bicycles, walkers, rollerblades, or other non-motorized methods of transportation.” I almost got…