Meeting at a Glance: Moab City Council, June 11, 2024


Recognition of the Moab Volunteers for the Foster Grandparent Program and Senior Companion Program

Discussion begins at 00:04:53

Consent Agenda

Approval of Minutes for May 28, 2024, Regular Meeting

Approval of Bills Against the City of Moab in the Amount of $757,552.04

Agenda approved unanimously.

Discussion begins at 00:12:50

General Business

Consideration of Adoption of Resolution 15-2024: A Resolution Amending the City of Moab Personnel Manual

Passed unanimously.

Discussion begins at 00:13:40

Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance 2024-03: An Ordinance Amending the Moab Municipal Code (MMC), Section 17.06 Definitions, and 17.24.020 C-3 Central Commercial Zone, Permitted Use and Regulations, to Create a New Permitted Use, “Adaptive Recreational Service Provider,” with Use-Parameters for “Accommodations for Qualifying Participants;” Possible Additional Amendments to MMC 17.09.700 to Clarify Language Regulating Short-Term Rentals.

Passed unanimously. 

Discussion begins at 00:17:00

Consideration of Approval of an Interlocal Agreement Between Moab City and the Solid Waste Special Service District #1 DBA Canyonlands Solid Waste Authority

Motion to table failed 2-3. 

Motion to approve passed 3-2, with council members Kaitlin Myers and Jason Taylor in opposition.

Discussion begins at 00:31:00

City Manager, Mayor and Council Reports

Begins 00:60:00

Property Tax and Capital Improvement Open House

Tuesday, June 25 from 4 to 6 p.m.

Moab City Council Chambers

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