Moab City Council Meeting at a Glance, November 12, 2024


Arches National Park Visitor Access and Experience Plan

Begins at 0:14:35

Department Update

Public Works

Levi Jones, Public Works director, presented an update on a recent flood incident at City Hall caused by a broken fire suppression water line.

Begins at 0:31:29

Consent Agenda

  • Consideration of a Letter of Support for Alternative B of the Visitor Access and Experience Plan/Environmental Assessment for Arches National Park
  • Ratification of the Swanny Park All Abilities Playground Equipment Purchase from Play & Park Structures in the Amount of $413,993.24
  • Consideration of Approval of Resolution 31-2024: A Resolution of the Governing Body of the City of Moab Declaring Certain Property Owned by the City of Moab as Surplus
  • Approval of Minutes for October 22, 2024, Regular Meeting
  • Approval of Bills Against the City of Moab in the Amount of $2,239,070.55

Vote Tally: 5-0 in favor of approving consent agenda items. 

Begins at 0:36:02

General Business

Consideration of Support for UDOT Request for Speed Limit Changes on US 191

Cody Merchant, Traffic Operations Engineer with UDOT, and Jared presented proposed speed limit changes on US 191 based on a recent speed study and updated UDOT policy. The presentation outlined specific speed limit adjustments for various segments of US 191, including reductions near Old Airport Road, Spanish Trail area, Mill Creek Drive, and through the downtown core.

Vote Tally: 5-0 in favor of tabling consideration of support for UDOT’s request until final recommendations are received.

Begins at 0:40:50

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 28-2024: A Resolution of the City Council of Moab, Approving an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Grand County for Joint Administration of Grant Funds for the Safe Streets and Roads For All Program to Update and Implement the 2022 Unified Transportation Master Plan

The grant will fund roadway planning assessments for the Mill Creek corridor and Spanish Valley Drive/Spanish Trail Road, focusing on identifying safety and multimodal improvements.

Vote Tally: 5-0 in favor of adopting Resolution 28-2024.

Begins at 1:02:02

Consideration of Approval for Ordinance 2024-06: An Ordinance Adopting the Moab Residential Utility Assistance Program

Ordinance 2024-06 would establish the Moab Residential Utility Assistance Program to provide support for low-income households facing rising utility costs.

The ordinance aims to streamline assistance for residents responsible for paying utility bills, including those using Grand Water and Sewer services.

The council discusses the program’s six-month duration and the potential for it to function as a pilot program, allowing for data-driven adjustments and expansion in the future.

Vote Tally: 5-0 in favor of approving the Moab Residential Utility Assistance Program as a pilot and Ordinance 2024-06.

Begins at 1:12:08

Consideration of Approval for a Task Order for Professional Services with Hansen, Allen & Luce, Inc., for the Design of the Mill Creek Stream Corridor Project in the Amount of $189,000.00

The project area, initially referred to as the Mill Creek Stream Corridor, is being renamed to “Cross Creeks” to better reflect the park’s existing name. The project aims to conduct an alternative analysis to address flooding and trail sustainability issues in the Cross Creeks area, evaluating options for trail restoration and flood mitigation. The council discussed the project’s primary focus on flood mitigation and the secondary goal of protecting the city’s trail system, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing flood protection.

Vote Tally: 5-0 in favor of approving the task order for the Mill Creek Stream Corridor Project.

Begins at 1:28:34

Consideration of Approval of a Contract Award to Dudek for Urban Forestry Management Plan Project in the Amount of $149,078.20 and Authorize the Mayor to Sign the Contract

The project stems from the 2023 Sustainability Action Plan, which identified urban forestry as a priority area with strong community support.

Vote Tally: 5-0 in favor of approving the contract for the Urban Forestry Management Plan project.

Begins at 1:37:42

Consideration of Approval for the Mayor’s Signature for the Grant Application to the Bureau of Reclamation Upper Colorado River Basin System Conservation and Efficiency Program Grant for the Revitalization of the Scott and Norma Matheson Wetlands Preserve, with a Grant Request of $21,027,500.00

The project proposes to address wetland recession caused by drought and the deteriorating wastewater treatment plant outfall by constructing a tertiary water treatment facility and a new outfall pipeline.

Vote Tally: 5-0 in favor of approving the grant application for the Matheson Wetlands Preserve revitalization.

Begins at 1:43:16

Consideration of a Letter of Support for GWSSA’s application to the Bureau of Reclamation for funding through the Upper Colorado River Basin System Conservation and Efficiency Program

The letter focuses specifically on supporting the wetlands portion of GWSSA’s application.

Vote Tally: 5-0 in favor of approving the letter of support for GWSSA’s application.

Begins at 1:55:19

Consideration of Adoption of Resolution 29-2024: A Resolution Approving the Chinle Minor Subdivision for the Property located at 700 N Main Street, Moab, UT 84532

Vote Tally: 4-0 in favor of adopting Resolution 29-2024, with Tawny Knuteson-Boyd abstaining.

Begins at 1:57:02

City Manager and Official Updates

Begins at 1:59:07

Executive (Closed) Session:

Strategy Session to Discuss Reasonably Imminent and/or Pending Litigation

Strategy Session to Discuss the Purchase, Exchange, or Lease of Real Property

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