This week on Cosmo’s Corner: Bilingual Storytime

Hola y miau, amigos. It’s Cosmo the Library Cat, here to invite you to our next bilingual storytime. Grand County Public Library, in partnership with our friends at the Moab Valley Multicultural Center/Centro Multicultural, will present an English/Spanish storytime on Friday, March 15 at 2:30 p.m. in the Moab Library’s large meeting room. 

This storytime is all about the color green (el color verde en espanol). We’ll learn the names of some green things in English and Spanish, we’ll have songs about spring, a time when lots of things turn green, and we will read a story in English and Spanish about a green caterpillar called “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” or “La Oruga Muy Hambrienta.”  

“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” is the story of a caterpillar who is—you guessed it!—very hungry. But instead of heading to the public library to ask for a snack (like I or any worldly, streetwise animal would have done), this naive naiad goes on a multi-day rampage, finding and eating huge quantities of fruit and other human foods. 

Here and there, he takes a few bites of a green leaf—not catnip, just a regular leaf! He travels between feeding frenzies on his six tiny legs (That’s another problem–too many legs. No reasonable creature needs more than four.) I don’t want to give away the end, but there is a bit of a redemptive arc for this gluttonous grub. Kids love this story, even the part about eating leaves. We hope you’ll join us for this story hour (hora de cuentos) on Friday afternoon, March 15 at 2:30 p.m. (Viernes por la tarde, 15 de Marzo a las 2:30).