At a glance: Moab City Council, July 25, 2023

This week, the Moab City Council held a workshop to discuss a new water-efficient landscaping ordinance, heard an update from the Solid Waste Special Service District, discussed its 2022-2023 strategic plan, and voted on a new fee schedule. Mayor Joette Langianese and Councilmember Kalen Jones were not present at the meeting. The mayor also changed the name of the “Citizens to be Heard” section of the meeting to “Public Comment” on this agenda and future agendas. 

During the SWSSD update, staff said in the last three years, the Moab landfill volumes have hovered around 20,000 cubic yards (21,200 in 2020; 24,000 in 2021; 20,700 in 2022; and so far, 8,545 in 2023). Recycled materials have hovered around 650 tons (600 in 2020; 695 in 2021; 686 in 2022; and so far, 468 in 2023). The district is also completing a “long-term compensation rates and financial planning analysis” as it raises its rates. 

During the strategic plan closeout, City Manager Carly Castle said this is the first time the city has done an official fiscal year closeout. She also acknowledged that some of the goals in the plan will take longer than one year to complete, or may never be achieved. She gave the example of the ongoing goal of reducing noise impacts as an issue that will likely be discussed year after year. 

The city did complete a number of goals on the plan, including filling police department vacancies, completing a greenhouse gas emission inventory, and completing the community well-being survey. Castle said she’s looking forward to adopting next year’s strategic plan. 

The council voted to change fees relating to the Moab Police Department, Parks and Recreation Department, and Moab Arts Department.

The city also announced a new Community Development Director, Michael Black. 


Water-efficient landscaping ordinance workshop: an ordinance amending the text of the Moab municipal code to add water-efficient landscaping standards with review and approval procedures 

(Discussion began at the beginning of the meeting) 

Department head updates 

Michael Black, Community Development Director 

(Began at 1:02:56) 

Consent Agenda 

Ratification of City of Moab comments to UDOT’s long range transportation plan: the City said it supported a pedestrian bridge connecting Potash Road and Kane Springs Road and capacity improvements to US-191 from mileposts 120.5 to MP 142.3. 

Approval of minutes from the June 27, 2023 meeting 

Approval of bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $1,531,784.98 

(Passed 4-0, 1:05:45) 


Solid Waste Special Service District #1 update

(Began at 1:06:52) 

Closeout of fiscal year 2022-2023 Strategic Plan 

(Began at 1:36:25) 

General Business 

Public hearing for an ordinance amending Title 3 of the Moab Municipal Code to update chapter 3.5, the master fee schedule and modifying certain fees and rates charged by the city. The public hearing was attended by zero people. 

(Opened at 1:55:33) 

Consideration of adoption of an ordinance amending Title 3 of the Moab Municipal Code to update chapter 3.5, the master fee schedule and modifying certain fees and rates charged by the city

(Passed 4-0, discussion began at 1:56:24)