Guiding future growth

Dear Editor:

We live in an absolutely amazing community. I have lived in Grand County for well over two decades and the ongoing inspiration of our residents never ceases to amaze me. Whether it’s the Multicultural Center, the Youth Garden Project, Seekhaven, WabiSabi, Moab Solutions or Community Rebuilds, there is a vast array of community organizations reflecting our strong vision, which is equal to the spectacular landscape we live in. Our home we now share with over 1.5 million visitors each year. The impetus that we become a tourist destination has certainly succeeded and with this success has come many challenges. Every time a new stoplight is added, or new hotels or nightly rentals, I feel that I am witnessing an erosion of both our rural character and what makes the heart of Grand County a fantastic place to live. When I speak with other residents, I hear equal concern and anxiousness over what appears to be out-of-control growth. I have a suggestion that would allow our residents to have input on guiding future growth. The land use codes for both the City of Moab and Grand County are the documents that dictate what can go where. It’s time for them to be amended. It has been 10 years and we need to update these codes, so they reflect our current community vision for neighborhood protections and set priorities for future development.

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