Meeting at a Glance, Grand County Commission Meeting

January 7, 2025

Election of New Chair

Chair Jacques Hadler reflected on his tenure and stepped down. The Commission elected Bill Winfield as Chair and Melodie McCandless as Vice Chair after a brief discussion about McCandless’s readiness as a first-year commissioner.

4-2 in favor. Commissioners Hadler and Hedin opposed. 

[Timestamp: 0:13 (First Video)]

Citizens to Be Heard

Public comment session began with residents addressing various topics, including the Arches National Park timed entry system and community concerns regarding affordable housing.

[Timestamp: 0:13 (Second Video)]

Withdrawal of Support for Arches Visitor Access Plan

Moved up in the agenda at the Chair’s discretion to accommodate Superintendent Lena Pace. An amended motion withdrew the commission’s support for the timed entry system as it currently stands.

4-2 in favor of withdrawal. Commissioners Hedin and McGann opposed and Hadler abstained.

[Timestamp: 27:53]

Volunteer Citizen Appointment to the Noxious Weed Board

Ben Menard was appointed based on a recommendation by the Weed Board.

7-0 unanimous.

[Timestamp: 1:28:55]

Assignments of County Commission Representatives/Liaisons

Commissioners were assigned to represent the County on various boards and committees, including the Travel Council Board, Trail Mix Committee, and Library Board.

7-0 unanimous.

[Timestamp: 2:03:03]

Assignments of County Commission Sub-Committees

Sub-committee roles were discussed and finalized. Commissioner Hedin expressed concerns about workload distribution and mentorship for new commissioners.

6-1 in favor. Commissioner Hedin opposed, commenting that she was “worried about burnout…and newer commissioners need more time to get acclimated before taking on too much.”

[Timestamp: 2:39:06]

Moetivations Training Contract for Dispatch Services

Commission approved a contract to provide training and best practices for 911 phone calls and other services for the Sheriff’s Department. The amount was $19,695.55.

6-0 in favor with Commissioner Martinez abstaining.

[Timestamp: 3:02:52]

Consideration of South Van Pelt Road Vacation

Discussion led by Bill Jackson (Roads Department) and Stephen Stocks (County Attorney) regarding the vacation of South Van Pelt Road.

5-2 in favor. Commissioners Hadler and McGann opposed, with McGann commenting that the move seems “rushed and incomplete.”

[Timestamp: 2:43:24]

Repeal and Replace Chapter 8.16 (Special Events)

Commissioner Mike McCurdy proposed giving the special event coordinator the authority to approve low-impact events and doubled the threshold for what is ‘low impact.’

Tabled for additional review.

[Timestamp: 2:46:25]

Resolution Establishing an Advertising Policy

Commissioner Winfield introduced a policy that would define ‘promotion,’ ‘responsible recreation’ and other terms important to the spending of Transient Room Tax money. Also adds language requiring all advertising paid for by TRT should be primarily for promotion and only secondarily for responsible recreation.

6-1 in favor. Commissioner Hedin opposed. 

[Timestamp: 3:31:28]

Economic Development Department Budget and Activities

Chair Winfield led a discussion on budget allocation and department activities, emphasizing alignment with the County’s economic goals.

Tabled for further discussion and data collection.

[Timestamp: 4:07:02]

Approval of Consent Agenda

  • Meeting minutes for December 3, 6, 9, and 17, 2024.
  • Ratification of bills and payments.
  • Ratification of signature on a Letter of Support for the Building UP Program (SEUALG).
  • Local consent for PRCA Rodeo.
  • NRCS funding assistance request.

7-0 unanimous.

[Timestamp: 4:10:38]


Housing Funds Discussion

Commissioner McCurdy and Planning & Zoning representatives discussed strategies for allocating workforce housing funds, including zoning adjustments, short-term rental regulations, and partnerships with developers.

No vote or action taken.

[Timestamp: 4:18:21]

Improving Agenda Review

Chair Winfield proposed changes to enhance transparency and legal review during agenda preparation.

No vote or action taken.

[Timestamp: 4:22:05]

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