Cosmo the Elephantophile

Hello and Meow from Cosmo the Library Cat, your humble correspondent and newly-minted elephantophile. This week at the library, we’re getting excited about all things pachyderm! It is commonly understood that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. To wit, I just learned that elephants purr to express contentment, just like cats, with a deep and rumbly purr. Which came first: the elephant or the cat? Doesn’t matter: animals are just cool no matter what. Elephants can also use their trunks like a snorkel to breathe while swimming underwater! Brilliant! (Probably can’t take credit for that one.) 

If you want to learn more about elephants, the Grand County Public Library has an exciting event coming up: An Evening with Elephants with Miss Linda the Zoo Lady. This STEAM-focused program is happening on Tuesday, March 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the Grand County Public Library. So mark your calendars and start getting excited to hear all about these captivating pachyderms! 

Miss Linda is a beloved volunteer at Grand County Public Library who worked in several famous zoos teaching visitors all about animals! What a fantastic job! Perhaps the only career more fun than being a Library Cat. It’s a real treat to have a fellow animal expert in the house. I love my pet librarians, but they really don’t know that much about the quadruped lifestyle. We’re all planning on learning a lot about these smart and gentle giants from this talk! 

It’s my feline duty to remind you that cats remain superior to all other animals, but I’ll admit that elephants are amazing as well. They’re remarkably intelligent with excellent memories and complex social structures. Maybe you’ve heard the myth that elephants are afraid of mice: not true. This originated from some ancient Greek fables, (and was likely perpetuated by elephants themselves to avoid being assigned barn duty. That’s okay, guys, you can leave it to the experts).  Want to know more? “An Evening with Elephants” is free and is geared towards elementary-aged children. However, everyone is welcome: just bring your curiosity!