Thank you, good Samaritans

Dear Editor,

I was forced off the road and hit by another 18-wheeler in my lane 12 miles north of Moab on Sunday night, Feb. 16. Several folks stopped and helped my co-driver and I out of our truck. Diesel fuel was leaking and fire was a big concern for us. Over the course of my 40 years of trucking, I have seen many accidents where the driver was burned to death because of fuel leaks.

I was helped away from the wreck to the shoulder a hundred yards or so from the truck. Several great people checked me very thoroughly for injury’s while waiting for Moab ambulance, and someone brought my jacket and cell phone from the truck. A nice lady got a clean towel to wipe blood from my face. Some of them may be Moab residents, or maybe they are just travelers like us.

These folks deserve our greatest thanks and we have no idea who are where they were from, but God bless them like he blessed us with our lives that night. Also, the Moab EMT’S were so efficient and nice while taking me to the hospital. Same with the police, nurses and doctor at the hospital, especially the little lady that did all my x-rays – she treated me like an old friend. Also, the Moab police officer that took me to the motel.

We would love to thank each and every one personally, but some I will never know who they are. Maybe you can put a personal note in your paper from me to all of them and pray they get my message. Thank y’all for your kindness and God bless from the bottom of my heart.

Jim Riley

Dallas Texas

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