A presentation of the 13 folds of the U.S. flag was demonstrated to about 200 people attending the Veterans Day ceremony on Monday, Nov. 12, on the lawn at the Grand County Courthouse. Pictured are U.S. Coast Guard veteran Russell Pogue folding the left side of the flag, with U.S. Navy veteran Dan Holyoak folding the center and U.S. Army veteran Mark Luddington to the right. Sheila Thayn, standing at the podium, gave a speech to describe the meaning of each of the 13 folds. The ceremony was organized by veterans of the Grand County VFW Post 10900 and American Legion Post 54. Valley Voices a cappella singers, led by Helen Tranter, sang “God Bless America” and invited the crowd to sing along. The group also performed “Let There Be Peace on Earth.” Opening and closing prayer was led by pastor Dick Pacheco, and featured speakers included veteran Ron Irvin, Moab City Mayor Emily Niehaus and Moab City Council member Tawny Knuteson-Boyd.