Much of Moab is without power, part of a string of outages from Green River to Mexican Hat beginning around 6:30 p.m. that are affecting almost 10,000 Rocky Mountain Power customers. Power could remain out until tomorrow morning, according to the utility.
While officials said that the cause is yet unknown, the Moab area saw wind gusts of up to 35 mph today.
The Rocky Mountain power outage page updates every 15 minutes with any new information.
Rocky Mountain Power encourages customers to report outages by calling 1-877-508-5088 or text OUT to 759677.
Update 3/19 7:30 a.m.: Power was restored to most customers around 3 a.m., while power remains out for around 1600 customers in central Moab and 100 in Mexican Hat. Power is scheduled to be restored to those customers before 10 a.m.