Cosmo’s Corner: Becoming a scientist

Cosmo with a variety of rainbow-colored beakers.

Hello friends! Eureka and meow! It’s me Cosmo, a world-renowned Library Cat and amateur scientist. I’m here to invite you to a special STEAM Storytime at the Grand County Public Library on Friday, January 27 at 6:30 p.m. STEAM stands for science, technology, education, arts, and math and at this story hour, we’ll do a little of each with a special focus on chemistry. 

Librarians will read “Every Day, Chemistry” by Julia Sooy, with illustrations by Bonnie Pang. I previewed this book and was shocked to learn that you can find chemical reactions everywhere, from toasting bread to washing dishes. Here I thought chemistry was all bunsen burners, explosions, and singed fur! 

After the story, we’ll do our own chemistry experiments together. I don’t want to give too much away, but we’ll be mixing acids and bases, turning solids and liquids into gas, and figuring out how to study the stuff we can’t even see (invisible gases like carbon dioxide, for example). 

These experiments will be safe, fun, and easy to do and understand for kids, adults, and cats alike. If you’re like me and you have limited previous experience doing science because you lack opposable thumbs, don’t worry; the librarians will help you out. 

This story hour is geared towards kids ages 3 to 10, along with their caregivers, but all ages are welcome. We’ll be in the library’s large meeting room, and as always, this event is totally free. I hope to see you there!  

P.S. “Eureka” is something scientists yell when they’ve made a great discovery or solved a problem. It means “I’ve found it!” in Greek. Now you know. 

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