Letters to the Editor: Thank you!

On behalf of the League of Women Voters of Grand County, we would like to thank our partner KZMU Radio for broadcasting the Candidate Forum on ZOOM and live-streaming it on Facebook and the radio at 90.1 FM. Without their help, the 40th annual League of Women Voters Candidate Forum would not have been possible.

The forum included candidates for local, state and national elections, as well as coverage of local propositions and statewide constitutional amendments. To everyone who participated, a heartfelt thank-you!

If you would like to listen to or view the forum, you can go to www.kzmu.org or the KZMU Facebook page.

And finally, thank you to the local community whose support is essential to our ability to “Empower Voters and Defend Democracy!”

Carey Dabney and Bonita Kolb,

LWV Grand County

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