Letters to the Editor: What real harassment looks like

A small bit of real news for Rory Paxman: oh my, non-mask wearers may be scrutinized or even given the fish eye, oh the horror!

In the meantime, people around the country are being assaulted, shot and some have even been killed for simply asking others to wear masks. Teens working in fast food don’t deserve to be shot for not having dining rooms open.

Two white vigilantes in Georgia have reminded us what life was like in some segments of the South during the first half of the 20th Century by shooting a black jogger. All “good people,” I’m sure.

It’s not the believers in science or the mask wears that are the problem, gentlemen.

Norman Boyd


(At the Grand County Council meeting on April 30, council member Paxman expressed concern to local health officials, saying he was “nervous” about making masks mandatory because he “worried that people are going to be scrutinized and threatened if they don’t wear a mask.” – ed.)