Committed to addressing concerns about harassment

Dear Editor:

In response to the letter written by Tara Collins (“Zero tolerance of sexual harassment in the workplace,” Feb. 22, 2018 Moab Sun News), the board of Utah Guides and Outfitters (UGO), an organization that includes many of the river companies in the Moab area, agrees that sexual harassment is a serious issue that requires attention and it is disheartening to hear that it is happening in certain companies in our area. Most UGO members are federal contract holders that require sexual harassment policies and practices to be in place as standard business procedure, but we should all ask ourselves what we could do better. We appreciate the details Collins included so that river companies (and other local businesses) who have not looked at this issue recently could use this reminder as a starting place for asking themselves if their policies are effective and adequate.

We agree that those that are experiencing harassment need to have a safe place to voice their concerns without fear of retribution. UGO, in conjunction with the Colorado Plateau River Guides association (CPRG), will work together on making sure there is a place for those voices to be heard. Sexual harassment is something that as an industry we take seriously and we are committed as an organization to raise the industry standard for all our members.

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