John McCain is one of the best

For a Merit Badge our troop is working on, we watched Senator John McCain’s speech to the Senate about the recent vote to replace the Affordable Care Act. There were some spots of his speech that I liked. He said that us fighting to repeal and replace the bill has made it more popular. He said just because the Republicans now control all three branches of government, we shouldn’t do what the Democrats did to us nine years ago by forcing a bill. He said we need to work together and that the most important things get done when people work together. He is a good senator and probably one of the best ones. He actually is one of the few senators who actually follows through on what he promises to do. He said he would fight and he fought.

Local Boy Scouts in Troop #316 recently worked on their Merit Badge requirements. Scouts Derren R., James Cook, Hunter Allen and Taylor Torgerson wrote about Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, and his recent vote against the Republican-led “skinny repeal” of Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act. The Moab Sun News is publishing Hunter’s letter in full.

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