Recycling center moves drop-off site

The Community Recycling Center at 1000 E. Sand Flats Road is moving its current recycling drop-off location farther south on site.

The purpose of the move is to improve customer safety by keeping them farther away from the operating equipment and the baling operation in the recycling building.

“We are asking the folks who bring their recyclables to the center to watch for the change of traffic flow on site as there are other industrial type activities on site,” Grand County Solid Waste District Manager Deborah Barton said.

Barton emphasized that children and pets should stay in vehicles at all times because of safety concerns from traffic on site.

“Individuals should not venture into the recycling building or past the cardboard fence,” she said. “Loader operators do try to look out, but they can have blind spots just like any driver does.”

If customers have questions or need help, they should come to the district office west of the drop-off point and recycling building.

For more information, call the district office at 435-259-3867.

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