Seven County Infrastructural Coalition bad for Grand County


Grand County may soon make the decision to join six other eastern Utah counties in an Infrastructural Coalition. The coalition will be another layer of government that can control the development of pipelines, roads, transmission lines, railroad lines and other infrastructures that can cross county lines.

Grand County only has one vote on the coalition for or against most projects. The other six counties in the coalition can easily override Grand County objections to most projects. Grand County needs veto power over any cross-county projects in Grand County. Projects good for the other counties may not be good for Grand County

Grand County has not published any information concerning future financial obligations the county can incur from the coalition. The authors of the Coalition Agreement were represented by a law firm that would not give the names of its employers at the last council meeting. Unknown outside companies or neighboring counties may be trying to control Grand County.

Grand County’s Council chairman, Lynn Jackson, initially refused to accept public comments at the last council meeting. However, other council members asked for public comments. The council chairman called the Sheriff’s Office for assistance after agreeing to public comments. He does not want the public to be involved in his Coalition.

What You Can Do? Email the County Council and ask for a public meeting where the corporations or counties financing the Coalition Agreement are identified. This would be a meeting where the council members will respond to public questions. All details of the agreement would be available for public review. Agreements financed by unknown parties made behind closed doors are not in the best interest of Grand County residents.


Bill Love


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