Letter to the Editor

To the Editor,

A miscommunication led to an inaccurate quote attributed to me in last week’s Sun News article entitled “Spring hiring on the horizon.” The article incorrectly indicated that there are no programs available in Moab to help unemployed and underemployed local residents. In fact, there are many such programs, through the Moab office of the Department of Workforce Services. Unemployed residents can take advantage of training and re-training programs, help in filling out job applications and preparing resumes, skills testing to determine employment strengths and weaknesses,  career counseling, programs specifically designed to help military veterans, and a host of other services.

Workforce Services employees are happy to help local residents find a job, or find a better job. You can go to https://jobs.utah.gov/ for a listing of job openings and placement services, or you can drop by the Workforce Services office at 457 Kane Creek Boulevard.


Ken Davey

Moab City Economic Development

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