Amy Goodman, host of the daily news show “Democracy Now!” is coming to Moab to speak at Star Hall at noon on Monday, Oct. 8.
“Democracy Now!” is a daily TV and radio news program that is aired daily on KZMU radio (90.1 and 106.7FM). Host Amy Goodman is hailed as one of the top, independent news journalist in the nation.
Without the oversight of corporate ownership, Goodman is able to broadcast the news stories that most mass media would never touch. Descriptions of “Democracy Now!” include “giving voice to the voiceless” and “speaking truth to power”.
The program’s daily War and Peace Report provides the audience with access to people and perspectives rarely heard in the U.S. corporate-sponsored media, including: independent and international journalists; ordinary people from around the world who are directly affected by U.S. foreign policy; grassroots leaders and peace activists; artists; academics; and independent analysts.
In addition, “Democracy Now!” hosts real debates–debates between people who substantially disagree, such as between the White House or the Pentagon spokespeople on the one hand, and grassroots activists on the other.
The public is invited to attend for a $10 donation at the door to benefit KZMU. Goodman is currently on a 100 city book tour of the Untied States called “The Silenced Majority” that parallels the presidential election season.
“To have Goodman speak in Moab is a highly unusual opportunity for the local community,” said Jeff Flanders, KZMU general manager.
Goodman will be joined onstage with producer/journalist Denis Moynihan.
Goodman believes that for true democracy to work, people need easy access to independent, diverse sources of news and information. But the last two decades have seen unprecedented corporate media consolidation. In the year 2000, just six corporations dominated the U.S. media. In addition, corporate media outlets in the U.S. are legally responsible to their shareholders to maximize profits.
“Democracy Now!” is funded entirely through contributions from listeners, viewers, and foundations. They do not accept advertisers, corporate underwriting, or government funding. This allows Goodman to maintain her independence.
“Democracy Now!” airs daily on KZMU at 8 a.m. and again at 6 p.m.