“How I Library”

Library: [li·brar·y / līˌbrerē] • verb: to utilize any of the many services or programs provided by a library

Hello my friends and loyal fans, Cosmo the Library Cat here. Lately, I have been reflecting about how I spend my time at Grand County Public Library, starting from that day long ago when I first wandered by and decided to grace the library with my presence.

I’ve contributed so much to the library since then, fulfilling my destiny as a brand ambassador and star attraction. However, the library has also enriched my life in many ways, and I’m not just talking catnip. While snoozing in a sunbeam surrounded by books and friendly humans is my favorite way to library (use the library) there are many different ways to enjoy it! Maybe you come to stock up on books or maybe you come for the fun story times and free movies, or to work on jigsaw puzzles. Maybe you like to use the library’s computers or WIFI, or maybe you come just to say hello to the handsome library cat with the magnificent whiskers. However you library, we want to know, and here’s how you can share: 

September is National Library Card Sign Up month, and to commemorate this, we are celebrating all the different ways our patrons library with a display and a prize drawing. If you would like to share how you use the library, you can stop by either branch and fill out a form or send a brief email (100 words or fewer) to grandcountylibrary@gmail.com and we will add your comments to our “How I Library” display. If you include your name and contact info, you’ll be entered in a drawing to win a tote bag filled with library swag, including a hoodie featuring yours truly! Librarians are super good at protecting patron privacy, so rest assured, none of your personal info will be displayed. Thanks for being part of our wonderful library community! I can’t wait to see what you write! 

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