Meeting at a Glance

Moab City Council, August 27, 2024

Executive (Closed) Session

Strategy Session to Discuss Reasonably Imminent and/or Pending Litigation


Capital Asset Planning Update

Discussion begins at 00:00:01

Department Update

Parks, Recreation, and Trails Department Update

Discussion begins at 00:38:23


Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness 

Discussion begins at 1:00:00

Consent Agenda

Recovery Day Proclamation

Consideration of a Letter of Support for the Southeastern Utah Associations of Local Governments Grant Proposal for Buildings UP Funding

Approval of Minutes for July 23, 2024, Regular Meeting and August 6, 2024, Special Meeting – Truth in Taxation Hearing

Approval of Bills Against the City of Moab in the Amount of $1,397,793.00

Discussion begins at 1:06:48

Agenda passed unanimously.

General Business

Consideration of a Contract Award to Harrison Oilfield Services for the Stabilization For Mill Creek At 500 West Project

Discussion begins at 1:08:26

Motion passed unanimously.

Consideration of Approval of a Special Event Permit for the 2025 Red Rock Retreat Car Show

Discussion begins at 1:12:00

Permit approved unanimously.

Staff & Elected official reports

Discussion begins at 1:43:53