Meeting at a Glance Moab City Council, June 25, 2024

An open house to discuss the proposed Moab property tax was held immediately prior to the City Council meeting. During public comment, some residents spoke in opposition to the proposed new tax. Residents impacted by recent flooding spoke about the need for greater preparedness and clearing creek corridors.

Department Updates

Public Works

Update on flooding causes and impacts.

Begins at 00:23:30

Community Development

Progress on zoning title updates, Downtown Master Plan. 

Begins at 00:36:20

Consent Agenda

  • Approval of Minutes from June 11, 2024, Regular Meeting
  • Approval of Bills Against the City of Moab in the Amount of $712,589.90

Begins at 00:38:00

Agenda accepted unanimously.

General Business

Consideration of Approval of Form PT-693 Tax Rate Summary

Begins at 00:40:00

Approved unanimously.

Consideration of Approval of a Chip Seal Change Order for Mill Creek Drive

Motion is to replace the proposed chip seal road surfacing along Mill Creek Drive and 400 East with a ‘mill and overlay’ road surfacing at a cost of over $900,000. Work scheduled to begin in August. 

Begins at 00:42:00

Approved unanimously.

Consideration of Approval of an Amendment for Blue Bison/Kane Creek Holdings Development Agreement to Increase Max Height

Motion is to allow developer to increase allowed building height from 30 feet, the maximum allowed by code at the time the development was accepted, to the current maximum of 35 feet. 

Begins at 00:51:00

Approved unanimously.

Consideration of proposed Resolution 18-2024: A Resolution Waiving Building Service Fees and Floodplain Development Permit Fees for the Construction Activities Needed to Recover from the June 21, 2024 Flooding 

Begins at 00:57:00

Approved unanimously.

City Manager, Mayor and Council Reports

Begins at 00:59:00