Moab Malarkey: New taco champion crowned at bowling alley

Telara G. reigns with 34 tacos eaten after work

Last month The Alley Sports Pub and Grill’s “unofficially official” taco-eating record was broken by Telara Gregorich, a local woman who works for the Utah Department of Natural Resource’s fuels reduction crew. 

Gregorich with her tacos at The Alley in May. [Courtesy of Telara Gregorich]

Staff at the Alley said that the ‘friendly’ taco-eating competition started a few years back after the bar introduced their Taco Tuesday deal, offering classic hardshells for $1.29 a pop. The record displayed on the wall of the bar was 33 tacos, held by a Cam Bates. 

“Since I moved to Moab I’ve been talking trash that I was gonna beat that record,” Gregorich said. [Hey readers, do you know Cam Bates? Tell him to get in touch! – ed.]

After mourning the loss of her dog, Paisley, earlier in the week, Gregorich said she full-sent the taco record to avoid returning to an empty house—her first time home without her beloved dog. 

“For Paisley, huzzah!” she said. “I just like to beat people in silly things and this just seemed like a silly thing. I just didn’t actually think I was gonna do it.” 

Telara slammed 27 tacos in under 30 minutes before struggling with her last seven. 

“I thought I was gonna throw up and felt really bad for two hours,” Gregorich reported. “I didn’t go to sleep until midnight and the next morning I also felt bad. My fingers were swollen from all the sodium.” 

Gregorich’s supervisor Duncan Fuchise made a plaque to honor her achievement, and Gregorich’s name will remain on The Alley’s “Taco Champion ” whiteboard until someone eats 35 tacos.