Meeting at a Glance: Grand County Commission, June 18, 2024

Thompson Springs Special Service Fire District Board Meeting

Thompson Springs Fire Chief Mark Marcum spoke about recent fires in and around Thompson. He also celebrated the accreditation of Thompson Springs’s only other official fireman. 

Begins at 00:02:16

Presentations & Reports 

The Moab City Council meeting scheduled for July 2 is canceled. Grand County Administrator Mallory Nassau said goodbye, as she is leaving her position. 

Begins at 00:30:00

General Business & Action Items

2025 Utah Office Of Tourism Cooperative Grant Application

Begins at 1:02:23

Approved unanimously.

Utah Office Of Tourism Co-Operative Marketing Opt-In For: Australia, Canada, France, India, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Belgium And The Netherlands

Begins at 1:57:18

Approved unanimously,

2024 Media Campaign Independent Contract Agreement With ABC 4

Begins at 2:00:00

Approved unanimously. 

Voluntary Appointment of Jenny Gleason To The Thomspon Springs Special Service Water District

Begins at 2:14:13

Approved unanimously. 

Old Spanish Trail Arena Pickball/Playground Grant With The Utah Division Of Outdoor Recreation

Begins at 2:16:23

Approved unanimously.

2024 Certified Tax Rates For Grand County

Begins at 2:27:37

Approved unanimously.

Approval Of Funding Renewals For Opioid Settlement Funds

Commissioner Clapper said he wished to discuss the funding percentages awarded to different organizations and potentially revise allocations, but the commission went with a motion to simply pass a motion with the same percentages awarded last year. 

Begins at 2:36:00

Approved 6-1 with Commissioner Clapper opposed.

Indigent Defense Commission Grant Award

Begins at 2:51:00

Approved 6-0 with Commissioner Bill Winfield absent. 

Scoping Letter For The Dolores River Travel Management Plan

Begins at 2:52:00

Approved with revisions, 4-2 with commissioners Winfield and McCurdy opposed and commissioner Hadler absent.

Amendment To The Response Letter To The State Auditor’s Office

Begins at 3:31:00

Approved 4-2 with commissioners Winfield and McCurdy opposed and commissioner Hadler absent.

Appointment of Mary McGann as Chair Pro-Tem For The July 18, 2024, Regular Commission Meeting

Begins at 4:02:34

Approved unanimously.

Approval of Consent Agenda

a. Approval Of Meeting Minutes

b. Ratification Of Payment Of Bills

c. Local Consent At The 2024 Grand County Fair For The Moab Brewers, LLC

d. Local Consent For The Moab Music Festival.

e. Approving Voluntary Appointment To The Airport Board

f. Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation (OHVR) Grant From The Utah Division Of Outdoor Recreation

g. American Red Cross Facility Use Agreement

Begins at 4:04:59

Consent agenda approved unanimously

Motion to separately accept the payment of bills approved unanimously.

Discussion Items

Priority Land Use Code Updates Status And Timeline

Begins at 4:13:35

Process For Administrator Vacancy

Discussion on how to solicit applications for the Grand County administrator position. 

Begins at 4:35:14

Closed Session Policies

Mary McGann requested a discussion on Grand County Commission policy regarding closed sessions, emphasizing that conversations within these sessions should be kept private and in confidence. 

Begins at 5:00:48

Public Hearings

Consider An Ordinance Approving The Planned Unit Development Workforce Housing Density Bonus For 1131 Lance Ave.

Begins at 4:34:11

Consider An Ordinance Approving The Planned Unit Development Workforce Housing Density Bonus For 1278 San Juan Dr.

Begins at 4:41:00

Closed Session

Closed session to discuss pending litigation.