Meeting at a Glance

Moab City Council, May 14, 2024

Grand County EMS Update

Discussion begins at 11:11

Presentation of Proposed Interlocal Agreement with Solid Waste Special Service District #1

Presentation on agreement between the City of Moab and Canyonlands Waste Authority. A proposed agreement will be voted on at a future meeting. 

Discussion begins at 18:40

Consent Agenda

Consideration of a Contract Award to Concessions on Center for the Ballpark Concessionaire Approval of Minutes for April 23, 2024, Regular Meeting

Approval of Bills Against the City of Moab in the Amount of $1,985,614.88

Agenda accepted unanimously. Discussion begins at 44:47

General Business

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Second Public Hearing

The City was approved for $250,000 for playground equipment. Hearing postponed due to issues with the public notice.

Discussion begins at 45:45

Public Hearing for Resolution 13-2024: A Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget

No member of the public attended to speak on the proposed budget. 

Discussion begins at 46:50

Consideration of Adoption of Resolution 13-2024: A Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget

Budget approved unanimously

Discussion begins at 52:46

Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance 2024-02: An Ordinance Adopting the City of Moab Pay Plan Schedule and Adopting the Exempt and Elected Officials Salaries for Fiscal Year 2024-2025

Approved unanimously. 

Discussion begins at 56:40

Consideration of Adoption of Resolution No. 14-2024: A Resolution approving the Red Rock Flats II Amended Pre-Annexation Agreement for property located at 1410 South Highway 191, Moab UT 84532, with specific provisions as outlined in the amended Pre-Annexation Agreement.

Approved 4-1 with Councilmember Kaitlin Myers in opposition. 

Discussion begins at 1:02:51

Consideration of a Contract Award to Beh Brothers Construction, LLC, for the 400 East Scour Mitigation on Mill & Pack Creeks Project

Beh Brothers bid came in at $864,999.87 for this project. 

Motion passes unanimously.

Discussion begins at 1:11:02

Updates from City Manager, Mayor and Councilmembers

Discussion begins at 1:16:31

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