I believe we can make a difference

I recently sent an email to my friends asking for help to stop the development on Kane Creek and asked them to donate at kanecreekwatch.org. I received a reply from one of my friends. My friend wrote back that she would definitely donate to the cause if she thought there was really any chance that we could put an end to this development, but she didn’t think that there was, especially now that they have broken ground. 

I emailed my friend and let her know that I attended the County Commissioners meeting on Jan. 17 and heard for myself their dire report and their belief that they can do no more. However, I felt that they were trying to tell us that even though their hands are tied, that does not mean we should sit idly by and allow this to happen. 

When I attended the meeting at Star Hall on January 21, the folks there believed we could still make a difference and find a solution. We need to be the answer by raising money to hire professional help and raise a ruckus…a huge ruckus. 

Here is an excerpt from the Kane Creek Development Watch website: 

Kane Creek Development Watch is a dedicated group of citizen volunteers based in Moab, Utah.  We are committed to preserving the unique beauty, ecology, and recreation opportunities of the Colorado River Kane Creek corridor. Our mission is to safeguard this area from a development that threatens the economic, social, and environmental integrity of our vibrant local community. Our goal is to secure the land back from the Developers and ensure its protection for all future generations. Your donation will pay legal fees, media campaigns, and necessary operating costs. We will report our expenditures on our website regularly so you can see how your money is used. Thank you for supporting this grassroots organization!”

Please go to the website and check it out for yourself at  kanecreekwatch.org.

Barb Crossan


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