Nomination and Appointment of the Commission Chair and Vice Chair for 2024

Discussion begins 00:00:48

Motion for Jacques Hadler as Chair and Bill Winfield as Vice-Chair fails, 2-5 with commissioners Bill Winfield and Mike McCurdy voting in favor. 

Motion for Jacques Hadler as Chair and Kevin Walker as Vice-Chair passes, 6-1 with Commissioner Winfield opposed. 

Department Reports, Agency Reports, General Reports

Discussion begins at 00:12:00

Action Items

Volunteer appointment to the Council on Aging

Discussion begins at 00:22:28

Suzan Martin appointed to council unanimously.

Volunteer re-appointment to the Library Board

Discussion begins at 00:23:39

Rowan List appointed to board unanimously. 

Volunteer re-appointment to the Solid Waste Special Service District #1

Discussion begins at 00:25:11

Chad Harris appointed to board unanimously

Volunteer Appointment to the Moab Area Travel Council

Discussion begins at 00:26:14

Alex Brishevsky reappointed to council unanimously. 

Volunteer Appointments to the Thompson Springs Special Service District

Discussion begins at 00:27:21

Brenda Rogers appointed to board unanimously and decision on the appointment of Jaime Roark postponed. 

Volunteer Appointments to the Planning Commission  

Discussion begins at 00:34:42

Bob O’Brien and Jerry Klaes appointed to commission unanimously. 

Assignments of County Commission Representatives / Liaisons to District and County Boards, Commissions and Committees and Other Agencies 

Discussion begins at 00:36:58

Dave Sakrison, Ashley Korenblat and Forrest Rodgers appointed to the Economic Development Advisory Board unanimously. 

Commissioner Board Assignments

Bill Winfield to be representative on the Utah Association of Counties.

Bill Winfield to be representative on the Grand County Motorized Trail Committee. 

Mike McCurdy to be representative on the Transportation Committee.

Mary McGann or Mike McCurdy to be representatives on the Intra-Local Housing Committee. 

Trish Hedin, Kevin Walk and Bill Winfield to be representatives on the Audit Committee.

Mary McGann to be representative on the Homeless Committee. 

Discussion begins at 00:38:21

Passed unanimously. 

Alternative Dwelling Overlay Rezone: 1441 Spanish Valley Drive (Parcel 02-0008-0089)

Passed 5-1 with Commissioner McCurdy recused and Commissioner Hedin in opposition. 

Discussion begins at 00:49:28. 

Alternative Dwelling Overlay Rezone: 1379 S. Arnel Ln. 

Passed 5-1 with Commissioner McCurdy recused and Commissioner Hedin in opposition. 

Discussion begins at 00:56:27

Ordinance: Approving the Overnight Accommodations Overlay – RV/Campground for parcel No. 24-0XST-0067, located of SR 313

Postponed until the next meeting.

Discussion begins at 01:04:34

Consent Agenda

Approval of Meeting Minutes 

Ratification of Payment of Bills

Purchase of Election Equipment 

FY24 WRI Grant #6518 – Cooperative Agreement between Utah Department of Natural Resources (Division of Wildlife Resources) and Grand County (Grand County Weeds Department)

Innovation Grant Award Agreement 

Accepting Invitation to Serve as a Consulting Party for the National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 Review Process for the Dolores River Travel Management Plan

Accepted unanimously. 

Discussion begins at 01:46:19

Public Hearings

Grand County First Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Hearing for 2024

Discussion begins at 01:49:33

Maggie McGuire has been the publisher of the Moab Sun News since 2021.

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