At a glance: Moab City Council meeting, August 8, 2023

This week, the Moab City Council discussed the city’s sustainability plan, discussed new rules of order and procedures for future meetings (in accordance with Utah State Code), discussed sales tax revenue bonds, and approved a grant agreement with the Utah Permanent Community Impact Board for the Kane Creek Boulevard Reconstruction project. The project will cost an estimated $8.8 million; $3.7 million will come from a grant, $4.2 from a loan, and the city will contribute $868,000. Construction bids for the project will be due in November. 

The council also approved two new members to the Moab City Planning Commission: Carolyn Conant and Machael Layton. Mayor Joette Langianese said there were four applications for the two spots. 

“I’m very happy to have these two gals on board,” Langianese said. Both people have planning experience, which Langianese said will be important for upcoming projects; their terms will end December 2024. 

The city has started interviewing people for the parks, recreation, and trails director position, City Manager Carly Castle said. 


2023 Sustainability plan update 

(Discussion began at the beginning of the meeting) 

Consent agenda 

Approval of the appointment of Carolyn Conant and Machael Layton to the Moab City Planning Commission 

Approval of minutes from the July 25 meeting 

Approval of bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $726,531.86

(Passed 5-0, discussion began at 39:38)

General business

Consideration of a resolution of Moab City Council adopting the rules of order and procedure for City Council meetings 

(Discussion began at 42:40; the resolution was tabled to allow the city’s lawyers to edit the document following council feedback) 

Consideration of approval of the grant agreement between the City of Moab and Utah Department of Workforce Services for the Kane Creek Boulevard reconstruction project 

(Passed 5-0, discussion began at 1:37:54)

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