At a glance: Moab City Council, June 28, 2023 

The City Hall building, pictured in the summer: it's brightly lit and surrounded by plants.

At this week’s Moab City Council meeting, councilmembers heard a department update from Victim Assistance Unit Manager Nathaniel Clark. The unit, which functions within the Moab City Police Department, now has another full-time staff member. 

Obe Tejada, the city’s utility services manager, provided an update on the city’s water quality: quality remains good, he said. 

The council also discussed and adopted a resolution to support the 2023 community vision for future uses of the Moab Uranium Mill Tailings and Remedial Action (UMTRA) project—the vision defines what the site should become once the project is completed.

Annie McVay, the city’s parks, recreation, and trails director, is leaving her full-time position at the city: City Manager Carly Castle said McVay is moving to Missoula, Montana. McVay will work part-time, but remotely, for another few months until the city can transition to another director. 

“We’ve been lucky to have someone with her experience and expertise for the last few years,” Castle said. 

Department Head Updates

Victims of Crime Act update (00:00:30) 

Utility Department update (00:14:48) 

Consent Agenda 

Approval of minutes from the June 13 meeting; approval of bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $1,267,622 

Passed unanimously (Began at 00:22:02) 

General business 

Consideration of adopting a resolution approving the lot line adjustment of property located at 430 & 436 Ute Circle, Moab 

Passed unanimously (Began at 00:22:46) 

Consideration of adopting a resolution supporting the 2023 update to the community vision for future uses of the Moab UMTRA project

Passed unanimously (Began at 00:23:57)

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