Letter to the Editor: “Work together to stop reckless drivers” 

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For many years I have called the local police when I see people driving recklessly in town and I have been routinely disappointed by a woefully inadequate police force. Today was a different story. 

As I was pulling out from Dave’s Corner Market, I saw a group of maybe 10 dirt bikes pull out from Milt’s all at once at full throttle towards the South Maverick. They then passed numerous vehicles on both sides…even passing on the opposite side of the planted medians by the high school causing an oncoming vehicle to pull to the curb. 

I stopped and called the police. After a short wait on the phone with dispatch I was instructed to meet the officers on the highway as the group had been pulled over. This group had another run-in earlier in the day at the BMX park on 500. After a short conversation, I made a written statement and was informed that the dirt bikes would be impounded and the riders cited and that it was possible that I would have to go to court to testify and I agreed. 

This event is proof that we can do something about this. That we aren’t helpless as a community. We need to stand together and as individuals in court to show the general public that you are not welcome in our town if you refuse to respect our local laws and endanger our local population.

Mike Grindstaff
