At a glance: Moab City Council, May 24, 2023

The City Hall building, pictured in the summer: it's brightly lit and surrounded by plants.

To better serve our civic-minded readers, we’re including the video timestamps for the beginning of discussion for different agenda items below.  Find footage of the full meeting on the Moab City YouTube channel.

Consent Agenda 

Approval of minutes; approval of bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $537,760.88

Passed unanimously (discussion began at 1:10:18) 

General Business 

Update and discussion on the design of the Kane Creek Blvd reconstruction project

(Began at 1:11:00) 

Consideration of award of a five-year contract with Motorola Solutions for body camera/dash camera and command central software for the Moab City Police Department

Passed unanimously (Began at 1:55:49) 

Consideration of an ordinance enacting Moab Municipal Code 2.94 to create and establish an audit committee to assist with the city’s annual financial audit process

Passed unanimously (Began at 2:01:07) 

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