Meeting at a Glance – Moab City Council, May 9, 2023

To better serve our civically-minded readers, we’re including the timestamps for different votes below. The agenda can be viewed here.

Councilmember Tawny Knuteson-Boyd was unable to attend this meeting.


National Public Works Week Proclamation

Passed 4-0 (10:19)

Consent Agenda

Approval of concessionaire contracts supporting recreation programs; approval of minutes (from the April 24 meeting); approval of bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $711,595.00

Passed 4-0 (discussion began at 50:55)

General business

Presentation and public hearing for the resolution 16-2023: A resolution adopting the fiscal year 2023-2024 budget

(Discussion began at 52:29)

Consideration of a special event permit for Grand County’s Fourth of July Parade

Passed 4-0 (Discussion began at 1:09:24)

Consideration of a resolution approving the final plat for the Nichols Minor subdivision of property located at 612 Nichols Lane, Moab

Passed 4-0 (discussion began at 1:18:39)

Consideration of a resolution approving the preserve subdivision tract amendment petition for property located at 850 W. Byrd Ave, Moab

Passed 4-0 (discussion began at 1:24:08)

Consideration of a resolution adopting an interlocal agreement for the provision of election services by and between the City of Moab and Grand County

Passed 4-0 (discussion began at 1:27:06)

The Moab City Council is made up of five council members: Rani Derasary, Kalen Jones, Tawny Knuteson-Boyd, Jason Taylor, and Luke Wojciechowski. The Mayor is Joette Langianese. The council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. Meetings are streamed online on the Moab City Youtube channel. Schedules, agendas and opportunities for public comment can be found at

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