Meeting at a Glance: Moab City Council, April 11, 2023

For details on any of the below items, look at the full agenda packet.

Proclamations: International Dark Sky Week, Arbor Day, Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The consent agenda also included approval of minutes and approval of bills against the City of Moab ($1,253,032).
Passed unanimously (Discussion began at 24:18)

Ordinance establishing a new chapter 13.29, stormwater impact fees, in the Moab Municipal Code
Tabled until the April 25 City Council meeting (Discussion began at 26:22)

Resolution adopting the 2023-2027 capital improvement project list
Passed unanimously (Discussion began at 38:10)

Contract award for the Sustainability Action Plan
Passed unanimously, awarded to the Brendle Group (Discussion began at 52:25)

Consultant recommendation of the Walnut Lane redevelopment
Passed unanimously (Discussion began at 1:07:50)

Resolution approving lot consolidations of properties located on 696 and 702 Palisade Drive and 714 and 706 Palisade Drive
Passed unanimously (Discussion began at 1:18:35)

Development agreement for the Aggie Apartments Phase III, located at 1492 S. (Aggie Blvd.) and Highway 191
Passed unanimously (Discussion began at 1:22:24)

Ordinance conditionally approving a zoning map amendment for 11.57 acres of a parcel located at 1492 S. (Aggie Blvd.) and Highway 191 from R-4 manufactured housing residential zone to C-4 general commercial zone
Passed unanimously (Discussion began at 1:22:24 along with previous item)

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