Schools: Congrats to the MLHMS students of the month!

Staff at Margaret L. Hopkin Middle School announced their picks for students of the month: Emmet Farnsworth and Pete Olsen.

Teachers say that seventh-grader Emmett Farnsworth is very engaged in his lessons, but also very helpful toward other students. His teachers are always impressed with his character and willingness to help others. Emmett likes Skittles, Rubik’s Cubes, mountain biking, and drawing…not to mention both video and board games. Emmett’s advice to his fellow classmates? “Mind your manners.”

Eighth-grader Pete Olsen keeps MLHMS teachers on their toes with his questions and brings a lot to class discussions with his comments and insight. Pete loves to learn and volunteers to help his peers so they can be successful too. Pete is currently excelling at violin, which is new to him. Pete loves the game Monopoly, and he knows the rent price of every Monopoly square. He also loves chess and has a lot of other interests. Pete is not a morning person and he likes cheese! His advice to others: “Trying is literally all you need to do!”  

Congrats to Emmett & Pete!

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