Cosmo’s Corner: Get a meal at the Kids Cafe

Cosmo the Library Cat sits in a Kids Cafe box

Happy Friday everyone, it’s Cosmo, the library cat. You may have heard the old saying that there’s no such thing as free lunch, but I’m here to tell you that’s simply not true! For the past few years, the Grand County Public Library has been partnering with the Utah Food Bank to offer Kids Cafe: free brown bag lunches for children under the age of 18.

We were offering these meals to go during the last school year, but now we are back to serving lunches in person! This summer, Kids Cafe will be available from Monday through Saturday from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in the library’s large meeting room. Any kid who wants a meal can stop by and eat for free! You won’t see me at one of the tables since I’m usually busy napping in the shade at that time of day. However, I might pop in to say a quick meow-hello now and then.

Once you’re finished eating, if you like, you can stay for a bit and browse our books and movies, play with the toys in the children’s room (there are a lot of fun new toys!) or get on the computers. All this talk of food has made me hungry, so I am going to see what kind of snacks my librarian friends have put out for me today. They’re really good at keeping me fed, and I always tell them thank you with a friendly little head-butt, but I suggest you find your own way of thanking them. I hope you are all having a great summer. Goodbye for meow!

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