Hop on, Stormy!: Youth Garden Project rabbit recovers from amputation

Staff at the Youth Garden Project are glad to see that Stormy, a rabbit who joined the garden this summer, is recovering well after having one of his back legs amputated a few weeks ago.

The nonprofit community garden keeps rabbits in what they call their “rabbitat” to use as a teaching tool and fun experience for youth groups. The rabbits also eat garden produce that isn’t of high enough quality to sell in the nonprofit’s Community Supported Agriculture Shares, but is still a treat for the bunnies. Friends of the garden donated four new baby rabbits to the YGP this summer.

“One of them was acting funny one day,” said Emily Roberson, outreach and development coordinator for the garden. She picked up Stormy to trim his nails and saw bone protruding from one of his hind legs. Staff took Stormy to the veterinarian, who amputated the injured leg.

Roberson said that now that he’s healed, Stormy is the spunkiest rabbit of the bunch.

“We thought Stormy deserved a chance to live his life with three legs,” she said, and she’s glad to see him hopping around happily with his companions in the rabbitat.

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