The Missing Cards

I love to writing personal messages to friends and family on greeting cards and I love to

volunteer. Volunteering to organize and stock the greeting card carousel at WabiSabi was a

natural fit and one I enjoy immensely. Until recently.

Imagine my surprise when, after organizing the card carousel recently, I went to the work area

where merchandise, including cards, are staged for sale and found it completely empty?

Everything was gone. Poof!

The executive director of WabiSabi confirmed this was so due to a recent “cleaning”—a grand

sweep of all inventory. Empty floor-to-ceiling shelves in the work area confirmed this as well.

This concerned me because I am an avid reuse/recycler and much of my consumption of

“things” come from repurposed and used items.

When I donate items and volunteer my time at WabiSabi, I assume it is for an organization that

promotes a reuse and recycle philosophy. But, this no longer appears to be the case. I

discovered things have indeed changed while discussing this with a WabiSabi board member

recently. This indiscriminate cleaning seemed to be more impulsive than strategic. The

reasoning quoted as being an attempt to make improvements to the facility. Yet, I believe what

happened was tossing out of perfectly good items in an attempt to deal with an overabundance

of things.

While I understand the role WabiSabi plays in the non-profit community in Moab, I can no

longer support WabiSabi’s current behaviors and attitudes. I imagine the founders would be

very sad at the current state of leadership.

I expect much more from a local thrift store and purported leader in non-profit philosophy in

this community.


Diane Ackerman

Castle Valley, Utah

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