Seventh-grade student of the month: Ivón Rodriguez
In only a few weeks of attending Grand County Middle School, Ivón Rodriguez has exhibited extraordinary academic attributes that have made her teachers approve of her as a student of the month. We all have noticed that Ivón genuinely cares about learning; she is self-motivated and challenges herself in every class. It is important to highlight that English is not Ivón’s first language and she is still learning. However, she has never used her developing language skills as an excuse to avoid completing her assignments. She even asks if she can complete more tasks at home. Ivón is an active participant in class and she is not afraid to ask questions. Ivón has set herself a goal of obtaining excellent grades in every subject and she puts a lot of effort into her assignments to achieve her own high expectations. Her eyes light up whenever she approaches her teachers with her inquiries and comments. Without a doubt, Ivón is a rare gem of a student that all her teachers value in our classrooms. Ivón’s favorite colors are purple and red. She loves pizza and her favorite animals are dogs and tigers. Ivón likes to read chapter books and she loves the movie “Finding Nemo.” She has a really cool birth date, 8/8/08, and she is twelve years old. Ivón’s advice to her classmates is “Be positive and study hard.”
La estudiante del 7º grado del mes: Ivón Rodriguez
En solo unas pocas semanas de asistir a la escuela, Ivón Rodriguez ha exhibido atributos académicos extraordinarios que han hecho que los maestros de séptimo grado aprueben su nominación como estudiante del mes. Todos hemos notado que Ivón se preocupa genuinamente por aprender; se motiva a sí misma y también se desafía a sí misma en cada clase. Es importante resaltar que el inglés no es el primer idioma de Ivón y aún está aprendiendo; sin embargo, nunca ha utilizado el desarrollo de sus habilidades lingüísticas como excusa para evitar completar sus tareas. Incluso pregunta si puede completar más tareas en casa. Ivón es una participante activa en la clase y no tiene miedo de hacer preguntas. Se ha propuesto obtener excelentes calificaciones en todas las materias y se esfuerza mucho en sus tareas para lograr sus propias expectativas. Sus ojos se iluminan cada vez que se acerca a nosotros con sus preguntas y comentarios. Sin duda, Ivón es una rara joya de estudiante que todos sus maestros valoran en nuestras aulas. Los colores favoritos de Ivón son el morado y el rojo. Le encanta la pizza y sus animales favoritos son los perros y los tigres. A Ivón le gusta leer libros de capítulos y le encanta la película “Buscando a Nemo.” Tiene una fecha de nacimiento genial, 8/8/08, y tiene doce años. El consejo de Ivón a sus compañeros de clase es “Sean positivos y estudien mucho.”
Eighth-grade student of the month: Trace York
The eighth-grade team is proud to announce that Trace York is the October student of the month. Trace earns this honor for his eagerness to learn and participate in class. He is always paying attention, asking questions and giving answers. His teachers could call on Trace every time if they wanted to because he is following along right with them and their lesson. It makes it clear that Trace wants to do his best and make the most of his eighth-grade year. On top of his classroom attitude, Trace is a nice young man. His eighth-grade teachers say that Trace takes time with his work, always volunteers to help, and genuinely cares about others. Trace is very conscientious about his work, and he’s a good example for others. In his free time, he likes to hunt and fish. Trace also likes water sports and paintball. He likes participating in the quiz bowl at school and he is very good at many sports. Trace is also related to a millionaire! His advice to his classmates is “Respect the people around you.”