Cosmo’s Corner

Ahoy, me hearties! This be Cosmo. If I sound a little different, it’s because I’m speaking “Pirate.” I recently learned how to speak Pirate using Mango Languages Online, which you can access for free with your Grand County Public Library card. Go to and select the link for Mango Languages. Mango has over 70 languages you can learn, including Spanish, French, Japanese and Pirate!

When I studied Pirate, I learned common pirate words and phrases like, avast (stop) and shiver me timbers (holy cow). Since I’m a cat, whenever I try to repeat the words and phrases I learned at Mango, all I can say is “meow” or “purr.” But if you’re human, Mango can help you learn how to repeat back what you hear. Devices with microphones can record what you say and play it back so you can even hear your own pronunciation. Check out Mango Languages if you are interested in learning another language! Arr, I reckon it be a fine thing to learn another language.