Grand County Middle School (GCMS) hallways will get much brighter after a design contest in Ms. Murdock’s eighth-grade art class. Students were invited to design posters illustrating one of seven school-wide character traits: curiosity, perseverance, enthusiasm, social intelligence, self-control, gratitude, and optimism.
Winners were Cadence Ballard, Jordan Bell, Alexis Day, Ali Jones, Amelia McKay, Louraina Minor, and Emily Rutherford.
“It was hard choosing a character trait that no one else was using,” said Louraina Minor. “I like the idea of having the stickers on the lockers because there is only one color in the hallways and it is so boring.”
The GCMS Honor Society is selling reusable stickers with the winning designs as a fundraiser this week. Each sticker is reusable, size 10 by 18 inches, and costs $20. Order forms are available in the office or school library, 439 S 100 East, and are due on Nov. 11. Money raised will go to community charities and school activities.
Purchases support charities, school activities