Grand County Middle School Students of the Month

Seventh-grade students of the month: Jason Lemus Vazquez and Legacy Blake

Jason Lemus Vazquez entered Grand County Middle School just this school year, starting seventh grade in a new country, speaking a new language and having to make all new friends. Jason has been overcoming these obstacles and trying out different activities out of his comfort zone, like attending the seventh-grade field trip with the Canyonlands Field Institute just a month after starting school and going to a tournament with his Robotics Club where they won third place. Jason deserves recognition for his focus and determination in completing his academic tasks. Jason likes science, playing video games and drawing. His favorite animal is cats. Jason is thinking about writing horror stories. His advice to other students is that “students need to strive and be more social. They also need to respect others so that they can be respected in return.”

Legacy Blake is a joy to have in class, say teachers at GCMS. Legacy is not afraid to ask questions and advocate for herself, while also helping others whenever she can. She is a positive example to those around her, showing kindness and compassion to others, even when it’s difficult. She is a well- rounded individual. Legacy’s favorite activities are dancing and mountain biking. Legacy’s advice to her fellow students is “I have never heard anyone ever say ‘I loved middle school’ or ‘middle school was the best years of my life!’ Really middle school is an awkward place, we all feel out of place and not sure if we even fit in with anyone. But these awkward moments that we think are the end of the world will become funny memories that you are going to be glad you have.”

Eighth-grade student of the month: Makenzie Johnston

Teachers easily decided on Makenzie for May’s student of the month, reporting that she stands out as a positive leader both in academic and social situations. As a student, Makenzie is reliably hard-working and conscientious. She completes assignments to a high level and gets work done on time. Her written work especially shows evidence of thought and concern for accuracy. On the social side of things, Makenzie shows a great deal of maturity and sets a positive example of respectful behavior for her peers to follow. She is also a good friend to many others, making her peers feel valued and cared for. Makenzie makes an outstanding contribution to the culture of learning and caring at Grand County Middle School. She loves animals and has 21 pets. Makenzie has two younger sisters and loves volleyball and softball. She has been playing both sports since the third grade. A piece of advice Makenzie has for other students is “I am aware this is cliche, but ‘be yourself’ is truly the best advice anyone could ever give. It took me a while to do and it has benefited me greatly.”