The Southeast Utah Health Department confirmed an additional positive test for COVID-19 in Grand County the evening of May 4, after announcing earlier in the day that three previous positive cases were declared “recovered.”
Brittney Garff, the health department’s public information officer, reports that today’s case “is currently being investigated and anybody who is deemed a close contact and at risk due to this individual will be contacted directly by the Southeast Utah Health Department.”

[Photo by Maggie McGuire/Moab Sun News]
Sources say that 15 to 20 people had already been swabbed for a COVID-19 test as part of contact tracing in the case.
The Southeast Utah Health Deparment estimates that over 1300 tests have been conducted in Grand, Emery and Carbon counties, with 16 positive cases as of May 4.
In concert with Moab Regional Hospital, the department announced a greater emphasis on testing in the region. Tests for COVID-19 are now recommended for a broader list of symptoms including fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, chest pressure, headache, gastrointestinal distress (vomiting or diarrhea), sore throat, muscle aches, loss of taste of smell, frequent sneezing, and/or allergy symptoms.
Individuals that would like to be tested should call the Moab Regional Hospital Coronavirus Hotline at 435-719-3998 to set up an appointment.
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